Successful Entrepreneur and Single Mom Making People's Dreams Come True

Ajla never thought her dream would come true. This dreamer from Tešanj, brimming with optimism and the desire to do more dreamed of having her own business, build a better life for her and her son, and make other people's days happier.

Very early in her life, Ajla faced one of the most difficult challenges in life. Life cast her in the role of a single mom, and she decided to play it to perfection. She decided to approach motherhood as a challenge, and now her 10-year-old son is her motivation and inspiration for all her accomplishments, present and future. Her son was her motivation to enter the world of entrepreneurship, to do more in her small town – Tešanj. Ajla didn't have a job, and needed to provide for herself and her son.

“And the stars aligned.” says Ajla, smiling.

Read more here.

Do You Know a Boy Called Dejan, From Derventa Near Milići?

Dejan is a boy living and growing up in Derventa near Milići. Like most otherboys, he is passionate about soccer, and dreams of one day playing form Partizan. Dejan wants to be in the same club with the best, which is why he trains several times a week at the soccer club “Birač”. This soccer club is the only refuge for children and youth in this small town, for both boys and girls.

Dejan says that his only activities are going to school, training and playing video games.

Read more here.

Life-Sustaining Raspberries

Every day, Jasminka Kojić climbs up and down a little hill 40 times, carrying a bucket of water to keep her raspberries alive so that she can feed her family. She doesn’t mind, she says, because without raspberries they’d have nothing. This young woman lives in Zelinje, a town near Zvornik. She is a mother of three, and her raspberry business is the only income for her five-member household.

Jasminka couldn’t find a job in Zelinje, and neither can her husband. They are putting two children through school and have another to feed. But how? This is what Jasminka is wondering, since she pays 150 BAM every month just to get her two schoolchildren bus passes. But how does she pay for everything else?

Read more here.

Raspberry Farm – Source of Income, Therapy, Road Back to Happiness

There are a lot of intriguing facts about Rudo - it has the shortest river, it was the first town in BiH to use urban planning đ, and its citizens have faced much adversity.

The people of this small town in the easters part of BiH mostly live off the land, i.e. agriculture and raising cattle. The don’t have factories and companies, so they are mostly left to fend for themselves against the forces of nature. Sanja Mršević is one of the thousands who share this fate. She is a mother of an autistic boy who decided to make a living growing raspberries.

Read more here.

Sanja’s story: I find happiness in making others happy

We all want to be happy, but when making other people happy is what brings you happiness, you face a lot more obstacles. Sanja Idrizović from Konjic experienced this first hand. This young girl studied psychology so she can be at the service of people who need her to make their lives better and easier.

Sanja finished her psychology studies successfully, but her job search wasn’t so successful. She worked only occasionally, which made her feel like she was giving very little when she wanted to give much more. Seeing her fellow citizens becoming alienated from the society because of hardship, poverty and health issues only made Sanja’s resolve stronger.

Read more here.


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Service Center "Dajte nam šansu"

27 November 2015

The opening of the Service Center «Dajte nam šansu – Svjetlice» heralds the beginning of a new stage for equal members of the BiH society – children and persons with...

No Welfare Dependency - Contributing to Society as Employed Young People

01 February 2017

Children without parental care belong to one of the most vulnerable marginalized groups in BiH, and as such deserve special care and attention. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are between...

Childhood Passion Turned Into Business: Silvana’s Cakes on Tables all Across BiH

22 December 2017

Cakes and pastries have been Silvana’s passion since early childhood. When she was still a little girl, she would sneak up, take some dough from her mother and make it...

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Coalition of Marginalized Populations in BiH

11 June 2015

Coalition of Marginalized Populations in BiH – KOMA is currently conducting two campaigns of public advocating: 1) Establishing minimal social security and equal opportunities and 2) Regulating extra-institutional support for...

Strategy for Implementation of Istanbul Convention Adopted: Entities and Cantons Must take Harder Stance Towards Combating Violence Against Women

24 July 2015

Sarajevo Open Center applauds the adoption of the Framework Strategy for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence in BiH for...

Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

21 December 2015

As an organization that is thoroughly dedicated to the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as to promoting inclusion and equal rights for all, «Dajte nam...

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